
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Hola Amigas!

I apologize to take a detour from my current series of interpretation of Renault Duster integrated communications campaigns to present a brief on Advertisement Effectiveness Measures.

The reason for this detour is that one of my juniors has requested me yesterday to explain her the whole advertising campaign planning. Even if this is just one part of the whole communication strategy, these measures gives a glimpse of how well your brand is positioned in consumer's mind.

So, as we all know AIDA model, I will try to structure my response on that model. I will add Exposure element to this model.

I have tried to present every data in one shot so that remembering and hence applying the metrics is easy.

Feel free to pour in your thoughts at the comments section below.

Rest is Next.

à plus!

Hey Guys!

This blog is in continuation to my earlier blog where we were trying to understand series of campaigns analysis for Renault Duster.

[You can read about features of the car in this economic times article, click here]

So, today the agenda will again be that we will take up a newspaper ad and analyse it in terms of various parameters.

So, lets rock and roll!

                                                                  Attention Elements
Color/Background – The car placed in a mountainous and rugged area combined with the metallic green color of the car attracts readers

Position – While most cars are positioned in a smooth floor level like smooth roads, Duster’s front wheels are elevated representing its use in rugged environment where smooth roads are not available

                                                                 Interpretation Elements
The word “Adventure” combined with the green color of the car (different from the launch color which is brown) leaves the readers to interpret the unique features of this car. It is done to convey the message that the car is suitable to drive for any safari trips. The number plate showing ADVENTURE also hits the cognitive part of brain and reinforces the advertisement commitment to associate Duster with adventure.

The ad highlights 7 functional benefits through the small boxes at the bottom of the ad. The benefits are proved with pictures representing the same.

The word “Unstoppable” makes the user feel fearless and full of rigor to explore infinite possibilities. The messages and the positioning of the car try to portray that the car is for the explorers who would like to try new challenges.

Also, the common thread of Gangs of Duster, Awards, Best-in-class warranty influences the readers to have positive strong co-relation with the brand.

Feel you can add to my analysis,shout it loud in the comments section below.

Rest is Next!

Adios Amigos :)

Monday, December 7, 2015

Renault Duster: Newspaper Ads

Hi Folks,

I am starting a series of campaigns analysis for Renault Duster in which I will try to express my views on its newspaper, magazine and maybe TV ads.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed are solely what I think the ads represent. Reader is welcomed to express her concern on the comments section at the end of post.

So let's get started:

So, after seeing this poster, following are the Elements of Attention and Interpretation:

Color – Metallic brown on a light background. The contrasting combination is attractive
Intensity – The brand is less visible while the product is occupying majority of the space
Format – The word MEDIA NAV is written twice which is redundant because the font below “Intelligent” is not visible

The brand has repeated the “Big, Beautiful, and Efficient” communication from its earlier ad because it could highlight the word “Intelligent” when users look through what is different in the ad. The word “Intelligent” when read for the first time on top of the ad, the users are free to interpret on the capabilities of the car.

Now coming to the Cognitive and Affective components:

MEDIA NAV is completely a cognitive benefit that educates user on the multiple features the car offers through simple touch mechanism


The adjectives “Big, Beautiful, Efficient and Intelligent” personify the car to be a mixture of characters. A user will find himself/herself intelligent (say) when he drives the car.

Folks, I have tried to separate your consumer behavior learning into the above 4 heads and tried to analyse the print ad based upon those categories.

Please add on to what else can be interpreted in the comments section below.

Rest is Next!

C ya.. :)